V sobotu 14.3. se konal dlouho očekávaný Seminář HKB Wing Chun. 

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Praha, úterý 10. března 2015 , 19:30 - 20:30,
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Seminář WING CHUN a bojový CHI KUNG

Welcome to the page PRAHA WING CHUN!

If you have come up to here, it worths to read what here follows.


We are a Wing Chun School. Wing Chun is a chinese Martial Art, famous also because it was the main Martial Art studied even by Bruce Lee.
My name is Pasquale: I am a Teacher (SiFu, in chinese), but I am also a Student of this Art, which requires a countinuous Activity of Self-Improvement.


What you can expect from the course: 

  • Improvement of the physical condition
  • Feel fit/ be in the form
  • Relieve everyday stress
  • Assistance to make decision in difficult/conflict situations
  • Promotion of self-confidance
  • Self-control
  • Funny form of training
  • Conversation in English, respectively in Italian/Spanish 
  • Personal attitude in privat class

Nearby event: 



Ukázková hodina

Ve dnech 3.- 4. 9. 2015 proběhnou ukázkové hodiny Kung Fu, sebeobrany a Aikida. Zájemci o bojové umění mají možnost zacvičit si společně s učitelem Pasqualem Mazzottou. Těšíme se na naše stávající i nové studenty!

Více informací na www.sportovnihalakysice.cz